
Roommate 剛和在哈爾濱的媽媽通完電,她覆說伯母的經歷.

走在大街的伯母給一個容貌娟秀,打扮入時的少女跟蹤,走進商場, 準備買口紅的伯母終於忍不住開口問少女, 為何跟著她,是不是要錢.


伯母忙說,自己也是外地人, 出差到這,住在親戚家,不能收留她,更提議找商場的保安和主任,看可以怎樣幫她. 少女立刻跪下,請伯母不要叫保安.

最後是,那少女是一個詐騙集團的成員,在她的背後有很多成員在看著她,等她成功進入別人的家後,其他集團的成員便準備打電話報警, 說是收留女孩的事主非法拐帶人,勒索事主錢以平息事件.

roommate說她很受傷, 很氣憤,也很恐懼,因為那些事件不是第一次遇到,更不是第一次聽到.

面對這些那些的欺騙, 真的很心寒…
the darkness of heart…

2 thoughts on “心寒

  1. !!

    It's a horrible thing, when one can't trust anymore, don't know who to trust and rely on beyond oneself. Then one becomes an isolated, cynical, cold, hard individual. I hope life won't turn us into persons like that.


  2. After hearing the story, I grew even more pessimistic about the future of China.

    my roommate and I kinda agree that such phenomenon occurs rampantly in China, somehow it is a national stigma. she recalled her perception of the US, people robbed you directly, but Chinese are so canny that they not only rob you, but also break your heart.

    Yep, Hope we can still learn to trust…


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